Call-up to humanity,


This is a call-up to all the people of the world who have the desire to experience their lives in freedom.


We know it all, the desire to be free in a free world

Unfortunately, we have to conclude that until now it has remained an ideal vision.


The world today is in a state of chaos, we’re moving from one crisis to another.

We keep making the same choices and are surprised, 

that the results are the same and that change never comes.

Everywhere in our societies we find the examples that the systems we have created don’t work. 

The political systems are not able to bring about the necessary changes.

They make the problems more often greater than that they provide a solution.

The financial systems have made mankind a slave of money; there is no sense of freedom.

Still thousands of people a day die, because they have no food or water at their disposal,

 under the eyes of millions of people who suffer from obesity.

War is the rule, rather than the exception, which results in great human suffering.

Those in power still trying to convince humanity that this is the only way.

We have succeeded to rape nature in such a way that clean air,

 clean water and good nutrition has become an exception rather than self-evident.


We as humans know that we can’t continue in the same way.

We complain about it, but a real solution is still not available.

It seems that the current systems have evolved in such a way that it seems impossible to change them.

The current systems make of humanity a powerless device.


We no longer put up with this, We have enough of this nonsense,

to hear that it is as it is and that we can’t change anything.


There is a possibility to change this ideal of freedom into reality.

Humanitybefree invites everyone to participate in a global free society.

A society in which each individual can life their lives in freedom,

with respect for the freedom of others and their environment.


Sign up for a free world